How To Install IIS Web server

The Web Server (IIS) role in Windows Server provides a secure, easy-to-manage, modular and extensible platform for reliably hosting websites, services, and applications. With IIS 8 you can share information with users on the Internet, an intranet, or an extranet. IIS 8 is a unified web platform that integrates IIS, ASP.NET, FTP services, PHP, and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). – Microsoft


Microsoft Windows Server (below steps are using 2019 version, however, you may find 2012 to 2019 are slightly the same)


• Learn how to deploy IIS Server by GUI
• Learn how to deploy IIS Server by PowerShell
• Learn how to verify IIS installed inside the server

Installed IIS features using GUI

Step 1 : Open Server Manager

By default, Server Manager will automatically open when starting up Windows Server. Just in case if it is not, you may open using RUN: servermanager.msc

Step 2 : Add roles and features

Inside Add Roles and Features Wizard, select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next.

Step 3 : Select Role-based

Select the first radio button.

Step 4 : Select server name

By default, it will choose current server name, click Next to proceed.

Step 5 : Select Web Server (IIS)

From the list, find Web Server (IIS), tick the box, click Add Features.

Step 6 : Verify Server Roles Selected

Verify that Web Server has been selected.

Step 7 : Verify Features Selected

Next, wizard will display the role you are trying to install, click Next once confirmed.

Step 8 : Display Selected Server Role

You may also add extra services, as for now, just click Next.

Step 9 : Confirm installation

Click Install to start the installation process.

Step 10 : Installation In Progress

The installation is in progress, you may close the wizard and wait for the complete notification.

Step 11 : Installation Complete

After the installation complete, you may find the notification inside the Server Manager on the flag icon.

Installed IIS features using PowerShell

Step 1 : Run Installation Script

Open PowerShell and run below script

Install-WindowsFeature Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools

Verify Installation

Verify the installations by using below script.

Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_.InstallState -eq 'Installed'}

Let’s try to open the website, browse through this link on the server’s browser.
Browser will display default web page by Windows.





Hey guys. I'm a Private Cloud Analyst mainly focused on hosting solution which involves hybrid multi-cloud supporting enterprise system.

Cheers, have a good day!

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